Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Juice continued...

Wow, the longest 5 days of my life are over...I did it with no cheats, that part wasn't the hardest. It was the time. I highly recommend that if you are going to do a juice cleans get a juicer. Since mine broke I decided to just blend and strain which ate up hours of my day!

Truthfully I felt no affects of the cleans, I didn't sleep better or have more energy, but maybe if I had gotten further off course I would have. I did however loose 4lbs which put me back into my comfortable ( but high) range. 

Two big questions I got while on the cleans...where are you getting your protein and isn't that a waste with all the pulp going in the trash? Well the answer to number to is NO, and in posts to follow I'll show you how I am using the pulps but this post is about question1. 

Where are you getting your protein? 

While I like to think of myself as some what educated on nutrition I am not a nutritionist so I took to googled. Take these pictures as you will just know that I am not certifying that the information is correct I just found them helpful!
This one is one of my favourite resources when making salads because it gives options other than meat as a protein sources. I also love that it has the recommended daily allowance because I think often times we forget that we don't need mass amounts of protein for the average human being. As per the information on these images 1 cup (8oz) of Hemp Seeds has almost all the protein that a woman needs in a day...food for thought isn't it?

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