Wednesday, 16 January 2013

What's The Deal With Alkaline Water?

Do you remember in school we learnt about the pH scale? Some of you may remember that that stands for “power of hydrogen” or how much hydrogen ions are in a solution, but who cares about that. What we really want to know is why the bottled water refill stations are selling alkaline water?  Or why stores are selling alkaline sticks to but in your water?

Well after a brief chemistry lesson I’ll give you some insight in to ‘what’s the deal with alkaline water.’
The pH scale goes from 0.0-14.0, zero is the most acidic and 14.0 is the most alkaline. The middle of this scale is 7.0, neutral. Our blood natural wants to have a pH of 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. 

Ok, so our blood wants to be alkaline, so we should drink alkaline water? Maybe, but we need to go a little deeper than that.  Some foods are very acidic and try to pull our blood over to the dark side. I am not going to list them all but just know that  processed foods are probably more acidic then say a fresh green salad (which would be highly alkaline). So with the tug of war between acid and alkaline people are now opting to give alkaline a leg up by drinking alkaline water, since our body is 70% water anyways.

Some say drinking water can help to neutralize acid in your bloodstream, increases oxygen levels in your body and boost your energy and metabolism. Others say drinking alkaline water can increase the alkaline level in your stomach and this could affect your digestion by altering your stomach acid. This could then lead to digestive issues including ulcers. 

I say consult a physician before trying any FAD, overdoing it either way can cause drastic and dangerous results! 

FYI the pH of my tap water was 6.4 and the pH of filtered water was 6.2.
Next test will be spring water and treated alkaline water.

The pH Miracle by Dr. Robert Young and Shelly Redford Young
The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder, C.N

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